Friday, April 6

A Good Good Friday

Christmas and the Easter weekend are the most important dates in the Christian calendar. Celebrating first the birth and then the death and resurrection of Jesus.

It still blows my mind that God chose to send his son to earth at all ... and then out of his overwhelming and abundant love for us, sacrificed him for you and me. As a mum I can’t imagine giving up my girlies to that kind of agonizing death, even if I knew that they would come alive again a few days later. I’m just grateful that God has a much bigger heart than me!

While Easter is at a slightly different time each year, for me it is always a time to reflect on that ultimate sacrifice. Last year, Good Friday gave me a different memory which is also close to my heart and will now come to mind every Easter. The birth of my second daughter, Naomi. With a straight forward delivery and healthy mummy and baby, it was definitely a good, good Friday for us in 2011! (We get to celebrate her first birthday in a couple weeks time.)

We’re unlikely to be called to sacrifice our daughters to death but they may choose to follow paths for God that we find difficult to stomach. We need to be ready to let them go when the time is right. Just like our parents have had to say goodbye to us and their only grandchildren as we’ve followed our calling into mission, moving all over the world.

Right now I’m just going to make the most of every minute with my beautiful daughters and prepare them as much as I can for whatever excitement life brings them! Including sharing with them what Easter is really all about ... before all the chocolate eggs and fluffy bunnies came along! 

(Sorry this is a few days late in posting ... the way we’re using Internet while we’re away from home is adequate but not ideal!)

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