Pinterest is something that I have avoided for months and months ... in spite of many friends who have suggested that I might enjoy 'pinning'! Believe it or not I was the same with Facebook, until I succumbed and now love being able to keep in touch with my family and friends who are literally dispersed across the whole world. When phone calls aren't always as straight forward over the different time zones etc and being a mum of little ones can often mean fitting in your catch up time with everyone else's news in little chunks when you have free hands, Facebook is perfect.
A few months ago, I found myself having a quick look at exactly what Pinterest was ... and trying to understand this strange world of 'boards', 'pinning' and 'repinning'. I figured it wouldn't hurt to try it out and then dismiss it, moving on to something new. Of course there was always the possibility that I would get well and truly sucked in as well. Guess what? ... SUCKED IN!
It did seem all a bit weird to begin with but didn't take that long at all to get totally carried away. Basically if you see something great on a website/blog you can 'pin' an image (which is linked to the original site) and then always have it there to refer back to, you can categorize them as well if you want on different 'boards'. There are millions of other people doing the same thing and you can see what other great finds everyone else has pinned and 'repin' them if they take your fancy. I guess it's the internet version of seeing something in a magazine and taking a clipping, so you can remember it at a later date ... without having to have a pile of clippings stuffed in a drawer somewhere.
I now have boards of recipes I want to try, craft ideas for me and the girls, cake decorating ideas for birthdays, my bucket list (things I would love to do before I 'kick the bucket') amongst other things. And one day, when we get our Forever House, I now have loads of ideas of how I may or may not decorate it, on a board of it's own! As a missionary moving all over the world, I am very grateful that storage of ideas for all these things and much more is now in a central place and doesn't involve me having to tote it all over the world with us! I can just log on have a look at all these great images that I have found over time (love the visual part of it!) to find a new recipe to try or ideas for parties and inspiration for so much more.
Recently I found a photo of a cute old pine cabinet that had been restored, in a magazine a friend gave me, Country Living. I went to their website and found that image (see below) and pinned it on my Forever House board as an idea for twenty years time when we finally have our own house and furniture. It seems that I struck Pinterest gold, within 12 hours it had been repinned 100+ times by people all over the world and has been pinned hundreds more times since. I guess everyone has their own taste but you really can find anything on there.
I try and only spend a little bit of time on Pinterest, sometimes when Naomi is having her milk before bed on one arm and my other hand can quickly scan anything new. I can see how it could become totally addictive and become a total time waster. So I warn you, if it's something you haven't tried and are considering ... beware! If you're already there, you can follow me by clicking on the 'Follow me on Pinterest' button I have included on the left side of my blog page.
We have found some fun ideas of things to try over the summer so I'll report back on those ... and for those of you already sucked in ... Happy Pinning!