Monday, January 2


New Year's resolutions?! Not in my house! As someone said to me yesterday New's Year's resolutions are there just to keep you busy in the first week of January!

I like to have things organised (although looking at my house right now you'd be forgiven for thinking that wasn't the case!) ... so I have a habit of reviewing things on a regular basis throughout the year and setting myself 'To Do' lists or goals for the big things as well as the day to day stuff. I guess I do that instead of setting big resolutions at the beginning of January each year!

Even on our wedding day when Bob Hunt preached on John 15:9-17, he managed to include the fact that Mark was the tall surfing dude and I was very good at organising things. Who sounded like the more exciting person?! Over the last few years though I have found that actually it is a positive trait and not something to cringe over ... especially when running a home with two little munchkins on a tight budget!

Admittedly my 'To Do' lists seem to be never ending, as soon as something gets checked off it, a couple of others things have been added. But my brain is like a sieve, without my lists hardly anything would get done because I wouldn't remember what needed doing!

I'm not an 'anti-resolution' person either ... after all it's about committing to a plan of action. I have committed to follow the path God has for my life. When I married Mark, I committed to be the best wife I possibly could for the rest of our lives. When I had each of the girls, I committed to be the best mummy I could be to them both. I know these resolutions will last longer than the first week in January. 

So, in the meantime instead of a list of New Year's resolutions that probably won't last very long, for this new day and this new year here is something a friend shared on Facebook today and is how me and God are going to get started together!! ...

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