Right now we're in the middle of an 'Internet Blip' here in Tanzania! So I probably won't be able to publish posts on either of our blogs or update our Facebook Page for the next couple of weeks. It seems that there is a problem with a cable somewhere under the sea between Egypt and Marseilles for one of the major service providers to the country ... or something like that ... so if you don't hear from us for a while, that is why!
In the meantime (just for today at least), back to my normal musings!!
When I was waiting for baby No 2 ... exactly two years ago. I began to realise two things. Firstly, that I would never have so much quality 'me and Abigail' time and secondly this new little person (later known as Naomi!) would never get anything like so much of that individual quality time.
I know that's just the way it goes but at the same time it made me feel really sad. And of course wonder how on earth people with really big families manage!!
When we arrived here in Dodoma, to say Abigail was eager to go to school was definitely an understatement! The consequences of which meant that every weekday morning since, I have had Naomi all to myself.
Admittedly, we're not getting the very early stages of life together. But actually she is a right comedian at the moment, reliving events in her own little stop-start manner while her language develops, with lots of arm waving and hilarious facial expressions! She loves reading, doing jigsaw puzzles, colouring and so much much more and is at that stage where she wants to do it all with someone rather than being 100% independent like her sister!
So to be honest, while her little character is developing, this feels like the best time to have some quality one-on-one time together!
I'm really grateful to have this time with her, especially before we get involved in too much stuff. It's like a gift just for me in our early Dodoma days!
The other thing I'm really grateful for is that after all the fun we've had in the morning, Naomi has consistently been going to sleep at lunch time for an hour or two ... something she hasn't done EVER in her life before! Which has meant I can then have a window of quality time with just Abigail every day again too!
I count myself a lucky lady and am making the most of it. There are occassions when it does cross my mind there are other things I could 'better' be doing with my time ... but then I realise what better way could there be, than to spend it with my two gorgeous girlies!