Wednesday, October 10

Another 'Venture

Over the last week we’ve been fortunate enough to spend another week in our friends cottage up on Lake Erie (Holiday Time). This time we have brought Mark’s parents with us. With everything that is due to come over the next couple of months it has been a break we have been looking forward to. 

What springs to mind when you think of holiday’s or vacations? For some it is relaxing by a pool or the ocean and not moving until it’s time to go home. For other’s it’s visiting museums or famous landmarks. Other’s go hiking in the mountains. Other’s curl up with a good book or two. Everyone has their own way of relaxing or taking time out. Mine has certainly changed since become a mum.

We try to include a bit of everything with the girls, some things to keep them interested and to wear them out and others for us all to have fun and relax together. With moving all over the world and experiencing new places and people on a regular basis, ever since Abigail was really little we have talked about going on adventures instead of journey’s or holiday’s. Or in her own words we have been going on ‘ventures.

I don’t know about you but sometimes I find it can be difficult to get the balance between ‘doing’ and ‘resting’ and there is the possibility that you come back from a break feeling like you need another holiday! Especially when there are munchkins involved! We had a few things in the back of our minds to do while away this time. Places we wanted to revisit or show Grandma and Gramps and other things too. Plans are good but they always have to be flexible! 

On our first full day, we visited Put-in-Bay Island and on the return car ferry our van ‘died’. We literally had to be pushed off the boat and were then dumped on the dockside. While waiting for the tow truck, Mark worked out that the fuel pump fuse had blown and was able to do a quick fix until getting a replacement fuse, which was just as well because there were no garages open for us to be towed to anyway! 

Two mornings later with the fuse still intact the van once again refused to start. There was no reason for us to get stressed by it, it was out of our control and the garages were once again closed ... these things just happen. While we had had plans to go out and ‘do’ stuff we got to have a much more relaxing day, much like we had the day before. Going for a walk by the lake, visiting the play park, playing games and watching movies. Which was actually probably much more what we needed anyway. 

This break was more of a ‘venture than we were planning in many respects but as long as the van gets sorted by the time we need to drive home, it will actually be much more relaxing than we had planned too! I’ve found over time, that on occasion, God let’s ‘inconvenient’ things happen to us, so when we look at the bigger picture, it all actually works out a lot better! This has definitely been one of those instances!

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